Downtown Improvements Grant

Historic Downtown Clinton is proud to present a grant application for visible improvements to our historic downtown buildings.

Contact us With questions

303 Market St

Clinton, TN 37716

Downtown Improvements Grant Eligibility Requirements

Please read before submitting:

The following types of property are not not eligible for consideration:

Tax delinquent property

Property who owner has any other tax delinquent property.

Property in litigation.

Property in condemnation or receivership.

Property owned by religious groups.

Property owned by 501(c)3 non-profit organizations on which taxes are not being paid.

Properties on which taxes are being paid, but have non-profit use, such as schools, charities, clubs or

organizations, etc.

Properties exclusively used as residential. Daycare centers

National Franchises or Retail Chain Stores Funeral Homes

Application Review

Applications will be reviewed for completeness and recommended for consideration by the HDC Committee. These factors may give priority to project that meet the following criteria:

Is the project in a historic district or is it in an individually eligible historic building?

Will the project positively contribute to downtown Clinton's redevelopment efforts?

Will the project substantially leverage more investments than the required matching amount of the grant?

Will the grant result in an improvement that would not be made otherwise?

Does the property comply with the outlined HDC Design Guidelines?

Are the property owners/tenants active in HDC programs?

Award Reimbursement

Reimbursement shall be limited to no more than 75% of the total cost of eligible improvements. The maximum amount of the grant is $40,000 per grantee. Grant awards will be made on a case by case basis by the HDC Committee necessary government approvals. Building permits and taxes are not eligible items for reimbursement.

The HDC Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursements in whole or in part for work that:

Does not conform to the program design guidelines

Does not conform to the proposals submitted with the application and authorized by the HDC Committee. Are not commensurate with the workmanship and cost customary to the industry.

Are not completed by June 30, 2023. Since the HDC cannot reserve funds indefinitely, your grant may be subject to cancellation if not completed by the June 30, 2023 date.

Request for extension must be made early in the project phase to be considered. Please contact Katherine Birkbeck for further information.

All work will be inspected to ensure compliance with approved plans. Any changes to the approved plan will approval by the HDC Committee.

Required Materials for Reimbursement

Reimbursement can be expected in approximately 1-2 months after all of the following documentation has been submitted. Once items are submitted to Historic Downtown Clinton, all items will be submitted to the State of Tennessee for reimbursement subject to their standards.

1. Copies of all paid invoices and corresponding canceled checks (proof of payment) for all work covered by the HDC. All project expenditures must be paid by check, money order, or credit card. The invoices must be marked paid, signed, and dated by the contractor/vendor. Cash payments are not accepted.

2. Color photographs of completed work.

Protecting the Investment

It is not the intent of the program to allow the selling of property and profiting from HDC funded improvements. The owner(s) must repay the program if the property is sold within five (5) years of the project's completion. A deed restriction document to this effect will be recorded at the county register of deeds. Part of the owner’s obligation is forgiven each year as follows:

0-12 Months 100% Repayment

After 1 Year 80% Repayment

After 2 Years 60% Repayment

After 3 Years 40% Repayment

After 4 Years 20% Repayment

After 5 Years 0% Repayment